Investor Relations

We invite investors considering capital engagement and interested in additional information and potential collaboration to contact us at:
Maciej Paraszczak - Chair of the Executive Board

Company description

Meritoros SA is an outsourcing company which specializes in the comprehensive handling of accounting, HR and payroll services. After founding in 2004, in 2007 it became a limited company, and finally, in 2021, a joint-stock company. Meritoros primarily targets MSPs and larger companies. The number of entities served by the company has exceeded 1,000, and the number of specialists employed in fields such as accounting, HR, IT, and RPA is over 170. The firm’s unique selling points is its emphasis on quality, its distinctive company culture, as well as usage of the latest technologies, which includes Robotic Process Automation and handling of many different accounting software suites.

Meritoros SA is currently located in: Warsaw, Cracow, Wrocław, Katowice, Rzeszów, Łódź and Bytom. The capital group consists of the following companies:

  • – Taxaide Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Wrocław, KRS: 0000811046
  • – Bluematica Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Rzeszów, KRS 0000994219


The company has certificates for Information Quality and Security Management Systems, in accordance with the PN-EN ISO 9001:2015 and PN-EN ISO/IEC 27001:2017-06 standards, relating to accounting, HR & Payroll services. It has also been awarded membership in the Business Gazelles (“Gazele Biznesu”) club several times, and in 2023 and 2024 earned a place in the Forbes Diamonds (“Diamenty Forbesa”) ranking.

The firm’s strategy focuses on organic growth and acquisitions of other entities in the industry. The goal is to become the leader in accounting, HR & Payroll outsourcing for the MSP sector on the Polish market. In parallel, the company invests in new technologies which in the future will allow the company to provide complementary services, with a specific focus on Robotic Process Automation.

Selected financial data

Financials (thousands PLN) 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Income 695,3 1523 2297,4 2697,1 3377,8 3966 4567,9 5263,7 6091,2 6577,2 7738,4 10 573,8 14508,8
Equity 83,9 92,8 116,7 117,8 197,6 391,8 460,6 637,1 672,7 590,1 757,5 1 040,2 1 204,9
Working capital 123,1 169,0 231,6 252,7 353,9 438,4 522,6 746,7 855,9 919,0 1144,4 1 568,9 1 266,2
Cash 17,5 107,2 194 244,7 156,3 46,6 62 109,6 183,2 667,2 886,3 761,1 61,3
Debt 56,7 55,6 185 237,2 65,1 22,4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Assets 203 520,3 722,1 880,1 993,8 1034,1 1155,5 1291,7 1298,1 1585,8 2359,7 2 687,8
3 524,7
EBIT 8,4 24 27,4 34 112,6 231,6 119,9 222,2 50,6 148,5 266,3 468,6 479,9
Net profit 5,7 8,9 23,9 1,01 79,8 194,1 68,9 176,5 35,6 90,1 271,6 522,7 443,7
ROA 2,81% 1,71% 3,31% 0,11% 8,03% 18,77% 5,96% 13,66% 2,74% 5,68% 11,51% 19,45% 12,59%
ROE 6,79% 9,59% 20,48% 0,86% 40,38% 49,54% 14,96% 27,70% 5,29% 15,27% 35,85% 50,25% 36,82%
ROIC (EBIT) 6,82% 14,21% 11,83% 13,46% 31,82% 52,83% 22,94% 29,76% 5,91% 16,16% 23,27% 29,87% 37,90%
ROIC (NOPAT) 5,53% 11,51% 9,58% 10,90% 25,77% 42,79% 18,58% 24,10% 4,79% 13,09% 18,85% 24,19% 30,70%

Executive Board

Maciej Paraszczak

Maciej Paraszczak

Chair of the Executive Board

Founder and the main shareholder of Meritoros SA, certified accountant (Minister of Finances Certificate # 1840/2003). Management graduate with a specialization in Finance and Accounting. He also completed a degree in Psychology (Jagiellonian University), Tax Advisory (Cracow University of Economics) and Accounting (CUE). Currently he is responsible for designating the company's direction and goals. He is also responsible for the firm's strategy and marketing.

Agnieszka Tomczyk-Pieniądz

Agnieszka Tomczyk-Pieniądz

Executive Board member

Shareholder of Meritoros SA, certified accountant (Minister of Finances Certificate # 54055/2011). Management graduate with a degree from AGH University of Science and Technology, she supplemented her education with postgraduate studies in accounting (AFMKU), advanced accounting (CUE) and Lean & Automation - Continuous Improvement (TEU). She holds a Lean Six Sigma certificate at the Green Belt level and an EY Academy Project Manager at the Executive level. She has been working for Meritoros SA since 2010. Currently she focuses on the company's HR policies, lean management, expansion, as well as M&A.

Krzysztof Gargas

Executive Board member

Shareholder of Meritoros SA, certified accountant (Minister of Finances Certificate # 62092/2013). Finances and Accounting graduate from CUE, specializing in Business Finances and Accounting. He supplemented his education with postgraduate studies in Lean & Automation - Continuous Improvement from TEU. He's been working for Meritoros SA since 2011. Currently he focuses on internal auditing, robotization and process automation, as well as developing new services.

Supervisory board

Lidia Olszowska

Chair of the Supervisory Board

Tax advisor (certificate # 00443)
Former board member of the Lesser Poland Tax Advisor's Society

Maria Gargas

Supervisory Board member

Chair of the board Emka Sp. z o.o.

Jacek Pieniądz

Supervisory Board member

Chair of the board Chata Sp. z o.o.

Dominik Jaskulski

Supervisory Board member

Vice-chair of the board Office Samurai Sp. z o.o.

Michał Czaicki

Supervisory Board member

Chair of the board Printbox Sp. z o.o.

Information on the shareholding structure

The total share capital of the company is PLN 120,000 and is divided into 1,200,000 series A shares with a nominal value of PLN 0.10.

Shareholder Total number of shares held Share in the total number of votes
Maciej Paraszczak 357 641 29,80%
Oldpara Capital ASI (zal. od M.Paraszczak) 600 000 50,00%
Agnieszka Tomczyk-Pieniądz 86 400 7,20%
Krzysztof Gargas 57 200 4,77%
Other 98 759 8,23%

Financial statements

Financial statement 2023

Financial statement 2022

Financial statement 2021

Reports on the activities of the company's management board

Report 2023

Report 2022

Report 2021

Convening the General Meeting of Shareholders - Announcements


Auditor's opinions

Report 2023

Report 2022

Announcements in the Court and Commercial Gazette ("Monitor Sądowy i Gospodarczy")


Resolutions adopted by the Shareholders' Meeting

Resolution 16.05.2024

Resolution 13.07.2023

Resolution 12.09.2022

Company's quarterly reports

Report 1Q2024

EBI/ESPI reports


Market Maker


Authorized Advisor


Questions & Answers


Company data

Meritoros SA

Aleja Pokoju 62/8

31-564 Kraków

+48 12 423 32 99


Sales department

Headquarters: Kraków

NIP PL 6792963176

REGON 120618773

Krajowy Rejestr Sądowy (KRS):

Sąd Rejonowy dla Krakowa Śródmieścia w Krakowie.

Wydział XI Gospodarczy Krajowego Rejestru Sądowego

National Court Register (KRS) No. 0000935021